My Approach
Pleasure and Rest
"Resting is anything that slows you down enough so that your mind and body can connect...We're not gonna be able to make it without resting. We're not gonna be able to make it without connecting with our bodies and with the earth and with each other."
Tricia Hersey
Healing — identifying and changing patterns, feeling the big feelings we have hidden from — can be hard and scary. As we inhabit our bodies more, we feel more.
I believe it is important we feed our bodies and our senses rest and pleasure as we reawaken.
We can explore our different senses, get to know what we like and how we connect with each of them. We can ask internally: what feels good in my body? What does my body need? This is a practice that may be new and take time for some of us. That is ok. Even the intention of opening to pleasure and rest can be a powerful shift.